7 Easy Steps to Earn Money from Youtube

1.Create YouTube Channel


You can start your youtube channel just by logging through your gmail account but that solely, will not give you any money. To make money, you must follow all the steps described under the heading how to earn money from youtube (below).

click on the bar
1. To start, open you tube.com with your G mail account.

2. Click on the bar beside the Youtube logo on the left corner.

3. Click on My Channels from the drop down menu

4. A box with heading ‘Set up your channel on YouTube’ will appear, with your name highlighted.

5. Update channel with your personal information. 

How to earn money from youtube

#2. Find a Niche for YouTube

 Selecting your youtube channel niche for earning money is much related with your hobby or passion for a work.

     *You sing loud in the bathroom? Let the people know that         you can sing.

     * When you teach someone, they understand it better? Let’s teach the world on youtube

     * You have a beauty sense, or you know about the pros and cons of brands in the market, why are you hiding then? People are eagerly searching for someone who can tell them what they should wear.

    * You love your dog or your cat. Let people know. Let them know how to love their pets. Or make them laugh with your pet’s videos.

    * Do you sleep too much? People, out there are taking sleeping pills. Let them understand how you forget your daily struggle and fall asleep, teach them the way of keeping calm

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#3. Develop Content Strategy for youtube videos


If a video goes viral, it is awesome. This is the simplest ever definition one can suggest in this era of virality but if you have a plan to earn through Youtube, learn this definition by heart.
What? How a video goes ‘Viral’ then!
No expert says that Virality has a definition. And indeed it can’t have a constant definition because the definition is changing every day. But the vital fact is this,
Content is king of the viral kingdom. A good content always rules.
An awesome video can be made viral if it is sharable:

4. Link your Youtube channel with Adsense

Until this point, I have given you all bows and arrows to conquer the youtube virality. I have also covered the methods through which Youtubers earn money. 

    *Login into YouTube.com and click on My Channel as described earlier

   * Click on Video Manager just below the search box on top, as shown in the figure.

Video manager    *A navigation menu will appear on the left side. Click on CHANNEL.



  • Click on the Enable in front of Monetization, as shown in the figure.
    Enable Monetisation 
  •  Click in the boxes after reading their terms and condition as shown in the figure and click on I accept, then got it.https://www.cashoverflow.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Terms-of-moneytisation.png
  • Monetization will be added under Channel heading and your YouTube partnership program will be activated.https://www.cashoverflow.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Monetisation-will-be-added-under-Channel-heading.png
    • Now click on this Monetisation option. When a window on right will appear with Monetisation as heading, click on ‘how will I be paid?’ as shown in the figure and click on ‘ associate an AdSense account’.Associate Adsense
    *A window as shown in the figure will appear. You can either sign in with your existing Gmail account or can create a new one (If you are a novice, click on sign in).Adsense sign in 
  •  Fill in all your information and click on Continue. (Sometimes it may ask for your password).
  •  You will be asked to verify your mobile number. Choose option at your ease.
  •  Congratulation, Your AdSense Application has been submitted.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

    #5. Use Best Tools for Videos

    if I ask you, how will you make a video? The first name which will pop up in your mind will be Mobile. Mobile (means smartphone here) is indeed the best option during your initial days when you are not earning money and all you have is your savings.There is no doubt that you can record a good video from your mobile phone, but if you want to record a good quality video, you must buy a webcam. And gradually you should hire a professional video maker. 

    There are free tools which every Youtuber must use.


    Tool #1. Google Keyword Planner

    A keyword planner helps you to choose those keywords as hook, which people who are searching for on search engine, will come to your video following their search. You must choose the keyword (most of the times title of your video) wisely to get organic audiences.


    Tool #2. Evernote

     While recording your video, you have to speak a lot and anything spoken wrong will lead to further editing or if left, it can send a bad impression to your audiences. With evernote you can note all the main points you have to speak with a slight detail. And your data can be accessed from any device, at any place if you have an internet connection.


    Tool #3. Text to Speech app

     Sometimes only watching videos are not sufficient for your audiences to get what you speaking into it. In that case you will have to type your speech word by word. Or you have to invest some money to hire a person who will do this for you. But by TTS, all you have to do is play your video and put the microphone of your mobile near the speaker and putting on the TTS on your phone. This will convert all your voice into text (yes with some error but still a much large part will be covered). Just edit it once and your subtitles are ready.


    Tool #4. Picture editing tool

     PicMonkey, Canva, Pablo of Buffer): Every video contains some images to make the people understand more clearly but every pic that you take is not necessarily perfect. With these few pic editing tools you can make your pic more engaging.


    Tool #5. Social media campaign

     Buffer): Buffer is a social sharing and scheduling application. Once you are ready with your video, share it on and on, on every social media channel (as we have discussed initially). To do this, you are not always available. So you just schedule all your social media campaigns in one sitting on Buffer all for a whole week. Now if you do not get time, or you were busy somewhere, then also your campaign is running in full pace, uninterrupted.


    Tool #6. Tube Buddy

     Adding annotations or cards to your videos is made easy with this browser based tool. The thing that most attracts me towards this tool is, the search function. As we can Find and Replace a particular phrase on word processor, so can be done into a video with this tool. 


    Tool #7. Analytics

    (Socialblades- free, Vidooly- paid): Analysis is necessary for any campaign to be successful. These tools will help in optimizing the youtube traffic and to know exactly, where the campaign is hitting and where is it loosing . Yes it can tell you what time is best to tweet or do a facebook post or schedule a post on any other social platform which will tell people that you exist and they will come to your channel, following your that post back.

    #6. Promotion

      Promotion of a video starts with your content idea itself. People have a tendency to share their innovation with their loved ones and the loved ones to their loved ones. Saying that when you start making a video, people around you become curious about the completion of your project.

      #7. Monetizing Youtube Videos

       The famous way to make money from youtube is through advertising. Advertising hasbeen           present since youtube was born and is still playing a major role for youtubers to make money. Here is a quick overview.


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