Flipkarat affileat market

Previously bloggers used to depend only on Adsense as major source of income but these days Affiliate Marketing is booming in India. Almost every blogger is promoting products from Flipkart and Amazon using their affiliate link.
For those who don’t know Affiliate Marketing means, you have to promote products from the network using your affiliate link whenever someone purchases a product from the affiliate link you make an comission. Ofcourse there are some networks that pay per lead, pay per click and pay per registration. Here we will be talking only about Pay Per Sale (PPS or CPS).
I also work with different affiliate network as a part of monetization techniques on my blogs. In the process I have registered with both Flipkart and Amazon.in to give them a try. Here I decided to share my experience with both the affiliate networks
We must accept the fact that Flipkart is the best Ecommerce site in India as of now which is making millions of sales per day. We must also consider the fact that they are also new to this. There are few negative feedbacks about the Flipkart affiliate system is loosely coded and the tracking is not so strong.
Getting Started with Flipkart Affiliate Program:
   .its pretty much straight forward
   .Go to flipkart affilite page
   .Then just register over a free account over      there
    .There is no approval process so you must      get approval instantly.


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